Friday, March 20, 2015

Week 37

Things are finally starting to turn around here. 

About a week ago, we met R.  He is the cousin of Hermana V.  He came here to take care of his aunt and to look for a job.  We met him and invited him to church.  After coming to church, he asked Hermana V. for a Book of Mormon because he had felt something special as he made contact with the Church.  We came to their house to visit and gave him a Book of Mormon.  We came a few days later, and he had started to read the Book of Mormon.  He told us that he had felt something warm and special every time he read it. Something that he had been missing in his life, and something he wanted to have.  He told us that he desired to have a deeper connection with God and to change into a better person.  We shared a lesson with him a few days later and invited him to get baptized the 21st of March.  He accepted and is very excited.  After teaching about the restoration, he prayed and asked if the Book of Mormon was true and if the church was really the true church of Jesus Christ.  His prayer was answered.  It was amazing to see how with faith and desire to change and follow the example of Jesus Christ in our life, our Heavenly Father puts the means for that change to happen.  I am grateful to be an instrument, albeit an imperfect instrument, in His hands to help bless the life of R. 

F. is working to complete the necessary tasks to get closer to her baptism. 

We have also met several new people who are interested in the Church and its message.  One of them is J.  She is very interested in the message and wants to find the true church in which she can raise her children well and develop a strong family.  She is reading the Book of Mormon and praying to receive an answer.  After our first visit, many of her friends and family started to criticize the Book of Mormon and the Church, making it difficult for her to know what to do.  I was very dissapointed to hear that many people are so quick to criticize and belittle something that they know very little of.  We talked to her and are grateful to know that she will continue reading and praying to receive an answer.  

English classes are going well and our companionship as well. 

We listened to Elder Duncan on Thursday.  He's the area 70 for Central America.  I got to play the piano for the zone.  
The conference is Saturday.  Elder Anderson is coming down to visit.

Aaron's soccer jersey

Blind men playing music on the bus

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